Indonesian and Malaysian Products
Indo mie Mi Goreng (Fried Noodles) ミーゴレン 80g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Indomie Migoreng is a ready-to-serve instant dish of Indonesian fried noodles, or Migoreng. Migoreng is Indonesian-style baked buck...
詳細を全部見るFiesta Scgnitzel フライドチキン 500g
Tokyo Camii Halal Market5.0 / 5.0
2 レビュー
About this item Fiesta Halal Scgnitzel is a delicious way to enjoy fried chicken. Made exclusively from premium quality chicken, each 500g bag con...
詳細を全部見るFiesta Chicken Delistripe 鶏肉の唐揚げ 500g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Fiesta Halal Chicken Delistripe is a famous Indonesian dish. Our 500g product contains 100% all-natural Halal chicken fillets, coa...
詳細を全部見るIndo Mie Soto Mie Flavour ソトミー味 75g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketProduct name: Indo Mie Soto Mie Flavour Ingredients: Fried noodles (wheat flour, palm oil, tapioca starch, salt), seasonings attached (salt, sugar,...
詳細を全部見るFiesta Spicy Wing 鶏肉のスパイシー唐揚げ 500g
Tokyo Camii Halal Market5.0 / 5.0
1 レビュー
About this item Surprise your tastebuds with Fiesta Spicy Wing. This 500g pack of delicious Halal chicken wings will become your favorite. Spice u...
詳細を全部見るJaffer Pappadums Lentil Chips, Sourcream & Onion Flavor 60 g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketFiesta Hot&Crispy Fried Chicken ホットクリスピーチキン
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Fiesta Halal Chicken Delistripe is a famous Indonesian dish. Our 500g product contains 100% all-natural Halal chicken fillets, coa...
詳細を全部見るMi ABC Selera Pedas Hot tomato soup flavour 70g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketProduct Name: Ingredients: Amount : Details: Origin : 品名:即席中華めん 内容量:70g(めん61g) 原材料名:油揚げめん(小麦粉、植物油脂、食塩)、調味粉(食塩、砂糖、胡椒、玉ねぎパウダー、ガーリックパウダー)、調味油...
詳細を全部見るKara Coconut Cream UHT ココナッツクリーム 200mL
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Kara UHT Coconut Milk Smooth and creamy with the full flavour and aroma of juicy coconuts. なめらかでクリーミー、ジューシーなココナッツの風味とアロマ。 Prod...
詳細を全部見るZona Spicy Soy Bean Crisps 大豆のスパイシークリスプ 200g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Deliciously crunchy and full of flavor - Zona Spicy Soy Bean Crisps are a tasty snack that contain over 65% naturally-grown soybean...
詳細を全部見るKara Coconut Milk ココナッツミルク 200mL
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketProduct name: Kara Coconut Milk Ingredients: Coconut / Stabilizer (thickening agent sugar). Amount: 200mLStorage method: Store in a cool place away...
詳細を全部見るSamrat Chicken Keema Curry チキンキーマカレー 180g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketProduct name: Samrat Chicken Keema Curry Ingredient names: Chicken (Brazil), tomatoes, vegetable oils (soybean oil, vegetable oil), fried onions (o...
詳細を全部見るMi ABC Selera Pedas Hot semur Chicken Flavour 70g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketProduct Name: Ingredients: Amount : Details: Origin : 品名:即席中華めん 内容量:70g(めん61g) 原材料名:油揚げめん(小麦粉、植物油脂、食塩)、調味粉(食塩、砂糖、ガーリックパウダー、玉ねぎパウダー、胡椒)、調味...
詳細を全部見るMi ABC Selera Pedas Nampol 即席中華めん70g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item In the market for spicy instant noodles, Mie ABC Selera Spicy is a pioneer and market leader that was produced especially to satiat...
詳細を全部見るZona Soy Bean Crisps with Kaffir Lime Leaves 揚げ菓子 200g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item テンペスナック インドネシアでよく食べられている、大豆発酵食品「テンペ」をカラッと油で揚げました。カリッとサクサクのテンペスナックです。シンプルなフライ菓子ですのでお子様のおやつ、酒の肴としてそのまま食べてもサラダのトッピングや炒めもの等アイデア次第で料理にも...
詳細を全部見るKing's Fisher Sardines in Chili Sauce イワシのチリソース煮 155g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item King's Fisher Sardines in Chili Sauce are the perfect combination of delicious and nutritious. Packed with flavor and high in healt...
詳細を全部見るKing's Fisher Sardines in Green Chili イワシのグリーンチリソース煮 155g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Enjoy the perfect balance of savory and spicy with King's Fisher Sardines in Green Chili. Packed with 155g of protein-filled sardin...
詳細を全部見るJaffer Papadam Lentil Chips, Original Flavor 60 g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketJaffer Papadam Lentil Chips Spicy & Smoky BBQ Flavor 60g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketMie sedaap Mie Goreng Ayam Krispi ミースダップ ミーゴレン味クリスピオニオン
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Miesdap is a very popular bag noodle brand in Indonesia. An instant noodle that allows you to easily and easily cook mie goreng, In...
詳細を全部見るSasa bumbu rasa ayam Soup チキンスープ
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Sasa Bumbu Rasa Ayam Soup is a delicious and flavorful Japanese-style soup. Made with chicken, this soup is sure to please your ta...
詳細を全部見るKing's Fisher Sardines in Bangkok Sauce いわしのバンコクソース煮 155g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Experience the classic taste of King's Fisher Sardines in Bangkok Sauce. This high quality sardine dish is made with a savory blend...
詳細を全部見るMi Goreng Cup Noodle ミーゴレンカップヌードル - Mie Sedaap Cup
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Indomie comes with the most popular flavour Mi Goreng. It literally means Fried Noodles, but without all the fuss. It's ready in an...
詳細を全部見るBango Kecap Manis Soy Sauce ケチャップマニスソース(甘口しょうゆ)720g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Bango Kecap Manis Soy Sauce will delight your taste buds. This traditional, sweet soy sauce features a balanced taste that adds fla...