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Sadia Frozen Chicken Franks 冷凍チキンソーセージ 340g
Tokyo Camii Halal Market5.0 / 5.0
3 レビュー
About this item Sadia's Halal Frozen Chicken Franks features premium chicken for a delicious, savory flavor. The 340g portion is an excellent size ...
詳細を全部見るGBR Beef Boneless Cube 骨なし牛肉角切り 1000g
Tokyo Camii Halal Market4.2 / 5.0
5 レビュー
About this item This GBR Halal Beef Boneless Cube is a delicious and premium quality product made from 100% Halal certified beef. Cutted into cubes...
詳細を全部見るGBR Mutton Boneless Cube 骨なしマトン角切り 1000g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Experience the delicious flavor of GBR Halal Mutton Boneless Cube. Guaranteed of high quality in taste, this 1000g of GBR Mutton Bo...
詳細を全部見るHalal Nongshim Shin Ramen 辛ラーメン 120g
Tokyo Camii Halal Market5.0 / 5.0
2 レビュー
How to eat Bring 550ml (about 3 cups) of water to a boil, add the noodles, soup and kayak together and cook for 4 minutes 30 seconds.Add eggs, mush...
詳細を全部見るFrozen Chicken Boneless Leg Meat 冷凍鶏肉もも肉重量 2000g
Tokyo Camii Halal Market5.0 / 5.0
1 レビュー
About this item Sadia Frozen Halal Chicken Boneless Leg Meat offers a reliable, delicious taste. It is flash-frozen to securely lock in freshness a...
詳細を全部見るSadia Whole Chicken 丸鶏
Tokyo Camii Halal Market4.5 / 5.0
2 レビュー
About this item SadiaHalal Whole Chicken is a great choice for a hearty dinner. Each hen is raised to improve flavor, texture, and juiciness. Quali...
詳細を全部見るHalal Nongshim Shin Cup Ramen 辛カップラーメン 68g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketHow to eat Bring 550ml (about 3 cups) of water to a boil, add the noodles, soup and kayak together and cook for 4 minutes 30 seconds.Add eggs, mush...
詳細を全部見るJuss Apricot Fruit Juice アプリコットジュース 1L
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Enjoy the natural sweetness of freshly harvested apricots with Apricot Fruit Juice 1L Tetrapak. This 1-liter package offers all th...
詳細を全部見るJuss Pomegranate Juice ザクロジュース 1L
Tokyo Camii Halal Market5.0 / 5.0
2 レビュー
About this item Juss Pomegranate Juice is a delicious, vitamin-rich drink that contains 75% freshly squeezed pomegranate and 25% granatapfel. Packe...
詳細を全部見るJuss Guava Juice グアバジュース 1L
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Experience the delicious taste of Guava Fruit Juice with a 1L Tetrapak. Enjoy the robust and sweet flavors of the guava fruits, mad...
詳細を全部見るKaya Jam Coconut Jam ココナッツジャム 215g
Tokyo Camii Halal Market5.0 / 5.0
1 レビュー
About this item Kaya jam, is a Singapore speciality made with coconut milk, eggs, and sugar. Serve on freshly baked toast, ice cream or scones. ...
詳細を全部見るHarissade Spread オリーブとみじんリサのみじん切りオイルつけろ 200g
Tokyo Camii Halal Market5.0 / 5.0
1 レビュー
About this item Harissade Spread is perfect for adding a delicious twist to your favorite dishes. This spread is made with olive oil and finely dic...
詳細を全部見るFoco Pomegranate Nectar ザクロネクター 350mL
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketProduct Name: Beverage with 30% pomegranate juiceIngredients: pomegranate, Sato / citric acid. Amount: 350mL Storage method: Store at room temperat...
詳細を全部見るKoka Spicy Singapore Fried Noodles シンガポール風焼きそば 85g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Koka Spicy Singapore Fried Noodles are an incredibly tasty and convenient way to enjoy classic, Singapore-style fried noodles. This...
詳細を全部見るFoco Coconut Juice ココナッツジュース 350mL
Tokyo Camii Halal Market4.0 / 5.0
1 レビュー
Product name: Foco Coconut Juice Ingredients: coconut juice, sugar, grain / citric acid, preservative (K sulfite), Amount: 350mL Details: Please Ke...
詳細を全部見るSamyang Ramen Spicy Chicken Roasted Noodles 韓国産 SAMYANGブルタク炒め麺70 g
Tokyo Camii Halal Market品名:SAMYANGブルタク炒め麺 内容量:70g 保存方法:直射日光を避けて、常温で保存してください。 原産国名:韓国
Koka Tom Yum Noodleトムヤムラーメン 85g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Koka Tom Yum Noodle is a delicious instant noodle dish made with real tom yum flavor. Its 85g size is perfect for one person to enj...
詳細を全部見るJuss 100% Pomegranate-Apple 1l ザクロ&りんご100%ジュース
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Juss Pomegranate Juice is a delicious, vitamin-rich drink that contains 75% freshly squeezed pomegranate and 25% granatapfel. Packe...
詳細を全部見る【amber more】100% Sour Cherry Juice 100%サワーチェリージュース 946ml
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketTurkey is famous for producing sour cherries (bishneh in Turkish). Turkish sour cherry juice and jam are very popular as souvenirs. Straight juic...
詳細を全部見る【amber more】100% Pomegranate Juice 100% ザクロジュース 946ml
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketA 100% straight pomegranate juice made from pomegranates grown in the Aegean region of Turkey. Pomegranates are popular all over the world as a hea...
詳細を全部見る【amber more】100% Red Mix Juice 100%レッドミックスジュース946ml
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketRed mixed juice is a mixed juice of pomegranate, sour cherry, apple, and black carrot from Turkey. A well-balanced mixture of ingredients rich in...