Ahmed Foods Chili Powder / Coriander Powder / Cumin Seed Powder スパイス各種 200g-60g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout these items Ahmed Foods offers 200g packs of Chili Powder, Coriander Powder, and Cumin Seed Powder, perfect for spicing up any dish. Our spi...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleAnkara arpa shehriya リゾーニマカロニ 500g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAnkara Tel Sehriye - Barley Vermicelli - リゾーニ(マカロニ)500g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketProduct Name: Barley Vermicelli (Rice-Shaped Pasta) Ingredients: Durum wheat semolina Amount: 500g Details: Avoid high temperature and humid...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleArpa Sehriye Barley リゾーニマカロニ 500g
Tokyo Camii Halal Market5.0 / 5.0
1 Gözden geçirmek
About this item Oba Arpa Sehriye Barley is a grain used in Turkish foods. It’s got a slightly richer, nuttier taste than wheat, and can be made int...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleAy Natural Black Olive 500g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketProduct Name: Natural Black Olive Ingredients: natural fermented olive, sunflower oil, salt Amount: 500g Details: Avoid direct sunlight and humidit...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleAy Stuffed Vine Leaves ぶどうの葉のピラフ詰め 400g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketProduct name: Ay Stuffed Vine Leaves Ingredients: onions, rice, vine leaves sunflower oil, salt, sugar, dill, mint, black pepper, citric acid. Amou...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleBaklava Pistachio Roll ピスタチオロール 250g
Tokyo Camii Halal Market4.83 / 5.0
6 İncelemeler
About this item TURKISH Baklawa is a delectable dessert that originates from Turkey. This sweet treat consists of layers of delicate and flaky past...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleBay Leaf ローリェ
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketProduct name: Laurier Raw material name: bay leaf Storage method: Avoid direct sunlight, high temperature and humidity, and store at room tempera...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleBeyzade Baklava with Walnut クルミ入りバクラヴァ 250g
Tokyo Camii Halal Market5.0 / 5.0
6 İncelemeler
About this item Enjoy classic, flaky Turkish Baklava from Beyzade. This traditional dessert features layers of thin phyllo dough filled with walnut...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleBlack Caraway 100g ブラックキャラウェイ
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketName : Black Caraway 100g amount : 100g About this item Spices blends: Black caraway is commonly used in spice blends, such as garam masala, ras e...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleBurcu Boiled Chickpeas ひよこ豆の水煮 800g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Burcu Boiled Chickpeas are a delicious and nutritious snack made from high-quality chickpeas. Each 800-gram pack contains twice the...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleBurcu Cucumber Pickles きゅうりのピクルス 580g
Tokyo Camii Halal Market5.0 / 5.0
1 Gözden geçirmek
About this item Burcu Halal Cucumber Pickles offer a delicious and traditional Japanese flavor. These pickles are made with fresh cucumbers and spi...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleBurcu Greek Pepper Pickles 550g ホットペッパーピク
Tokyo Camii Halal Market5.0 / 5.0
1 Gözden geçirmek
● Product Name: Sweet Pepper Pickles ●Ingredients: sweet pepper, salt, pH adjuster, preservative (potassium sorbate, stabilizer (calcium chloride...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleBurcu Pickled Hot Pepper 唐辛子ピクルス 580g
Tokyo Camii Halal Market5.0 / 5.0
2 İncelemeler
About this item Our delicious Burcu Pickled Hot Pepper is certified halal and provides an excellent taste experience. Each 580g pack contains a vib...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleCaykur Black Tea Altinbas 紅茶 400g
Tokyo Camii Halal Market5.0 / 5.0
3 İncelemeler
About this item Caykur Black Tea Altinbas is a rich, full-bodied tea with a strong flavor. Harvested in the Rize province of Turkey, this tea is pr...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleDate Crown Khenaizi Dates クナイジ種 500g
Tokyo Camii Halal Market4.5 / 5.0
2 İncelemeler
About this item Khenaizi has a firmer, fleshy structure with a slightly longer pit. These highly prized Emirate black dates are sought after for ...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleDogus Linden Tea 20 pcs リンデンティー 20袋
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketDogus Sage Herbal Tea Bag 20 pcsセージハーブティー 20袋
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketProduct name: Sage herbal tea bag Contents: 26g (20 bags) Ingredients : sage 100% Storage method: Avoid direct sunlight and store at room temperat...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleFreshmate Ready to Eat South Asian Dishes 調理済みカレー 200g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketProduct name: Freshmate Ready to Eat South Asian Dishes Ingredients: [Mutton car curry] Lamb, onions, yogurt, vegetable oil, garlic, red pepper, ...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleFried noodles (ピリ辛,焼きそば)
Tokyo Camii Halal Market1.0 / 5.0
1 Gözden geçirmek
◼️Name : Fried noodles ◼️ Ingredients: Yakisoba (wheat flour, vegetable oil, salt), fried onion (onion, vegetable oil), seasoning oil (vegetable ...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleHafiz size Quran
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketHalal fresh beef sausage 500g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketIndo mie Mi Goreng (Fried Noodles) ミーゴレン 80g
Tokyo Camii Halal MarketAbout this item Indomie Migoreng is a ready-to-serve instant dish of Indonesian fried noodles, or Migoreng. Migoreng is Indonesian-style baked buck...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüleIndomie Special Chicken Falvour Noodle インスタントヌードル
Tokyo Camii Halal Market◼️Name : Fried noodles ◼️ Ingredients: Yakisoba (wheat flour, vegetable oil, salt), fried onion (onion, vegetable oil), seasoning oil (vegetable ...
Tüm ayrıntıları görüntüle