Caykur Tomurcuk Earl Grey Tea トムルジュック アールグレイ紅茶 125g
How To Make Tea
1. In order to maintain the traditional aroma and scent of Çaykur Tomurcuk, You must use limeless7very pure water.
2.To brew Çaykur Tomurcuk with perfect and consistent color and scent in each glass, use two teaspoons of Çaykur Tomurcuk per tea glass.
3.The teapot should be placed over the kettle and turning down the stove to mini
mum heat, the tea should be let to rest for 13-15 minutes.
4.The tea should be consumed within half an hour to enjoy the real taste of Çaykur Tomurcuk and should be freshly brewed again if desired.