Indo mie Mi Goreng (Fried Noodles) ミーゴレン 80g
About this item
Indomie Migoreng is a ready-to-serve instant dish of Indonesian fried noodles, or Migoreng. Migoreng is Indonesian-style baked buckwheat noodles.
Boil the noodles in boiling water for about three minutes, drain the water with a colander, place on a plate and mix well with the accompanying seasoning! It is also delicious with a half-boiled egg on top, mixing it in as you eat.
The photograph on the package is an example of cooking. Meat and vegetables are not included.
インドミー ミーゴレンは、インドネシアの焼きそば、ミーゴレンがすぐに味わえるインスタント食品です。